During the training you present the following situation to the participants: The steak ordered by the guest is returned to the kitchen from the restaurant room, which according to the guest is rare and ordered medium rare. Participants are to find a solution to this problem. How is this type of method determined?

During the training you present the following situation to the participants: The steak ordered by the guest is returned to the kitchen from the restaurant room, which according to the guest is rare and ordered medium rare. Participants are to find a solution to this problem. How is this type of method determined?

Projekt wspołfinansowany w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej Erasmus +. Materiały na platformie odzwierciedlają jedynie stanowisko jej autorów i Komisja Europejska oraz Narodowa Agencja Programu Erasmus+ nie ponoszą odpowieddzialności za jej zawartość merytoryczną.

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