During teamwork, a person who strongly expresses his feelings, opinions and attitudes without violating the rights of others and protects his own is a person who is:
Question Category: 5 Chef eng
In the catering training process, the workshops should take place in the following order:
In the catering training process, the workshops should take place in the following order:
Please choose the name of the knives and the descriptions of their application to the pictures:
Please choose the name of the knives and the descriptions of their application to the pictures:
During the course on cutting techniques, participants should work to accomplish the task:
During the course on cutting techniques, participants should work to accomplish the task:
Group management should be based on:
Group management should be based on:
One of the advantages of working in small groups is:
One of the advantages of working in small groups is:
The trainer’s tasks, focused on individual participants are based on:
The trainer’s tasks, focused on individual participants are based on:
If the participant of the first-degree carving course carefully carries out decorative motifs, as instructed, it can be assumed that he presents the type of a:
If the participant of the first-degree carving course carefully carries out decorative motifs, as instructed, it can be assumed that he presents the type of a:
A desirable characteristic of proper self-presentation is:
A desirable characteristic of proper self-presentation is:
In the group process, a sense of insecurity and distrust is characteristic of:
In the group process, a sense of insecurity and distrust is characteristic of: