During the training, you host a Thai chef who puts his hands together in greeting and respect, while in Europe this gesture is related to religiousness. These types of inaccuracies in non-verbal communication are due to:
Question Category: 2 Chef
Non-verbal communication takes the form of
Non-verbal communication takes the form of:
Improving the quality of training and analysing its course in terms of possible correction is possible thanks to
Improving the quality of training and analysing its course in terms of possible correction is possible thanks to:
By giving the following message to the course participants: “If you pour water on hot oil, the explosion will blow your heads off”, you use a technique that improves the aesthetic impression, which is:
By giving the following message to the course participants: “If you pour water on hot oil, the explosion will blow your heads off”, you use a technique that improves the aesthetic impression, which is:
In the training process, ____________ communication should be used
In the training process, ____________ communication should be used
Active listening and appropriate response are skills that should be possessed by a
Active listening and appropriate response are skills that should be possessed by a:
In adult learning, a barrier is not
In adult learning, a barrier is not:
In accordance with the Kolb’s cycle, through specific experience, the following is acquired:
In accordance with the Kolb’s cycle, through specific experience, the following is acquired
Adult learners perform better when
Adult learners perform better when:
The dominance of practical elements when making decisions about starting education concerns
The dominance of practical elements when making decisions about starting education concerns: