Is developing social competence: team management an indispensable skills in the work of a chef essential and should it be given more attention in training?
Question Category: 3 Chef
In order to prepare well for the training of social competences, you should
In order to prepare well for the training of social competences, you should:
Social competences according to R. White are such skills that contribute to
Social competences according to R. White are such skills that contribute to:
In the case of the Carving Basics training, developing the skill of correctly holding a carving knife is treated as
In the case of the Carving Basics training, developing the skill of correctly holding a carving knife is treated as:
In the case of training on the subject of: Using the sous vide technique in vegan cuisine, the state of knowledge of the training participants is an aspect of
In the case of training on the subject of: Using the sous vide technique in vegan cuisine, the state of knowledge of the training participants is an aspect of:
How is the development of social skills developed
How is the development of social skills developed?
Trainer knowledge
Trainer knowledge:
When preparing a carving training, you should focus primarily on
When preparing a carving training, you should focus primarily on:
Training directed to chefs usually takes the form of
Training directed to chefs usually takes the form of:
The availability of fruit necessary to carry out carving classes is a:
The availability of fruit necessary to carry out carving classes is a: