
1st International Meeting of Project Partners (Poland, 2017)
The first international meeting of the ‘’Trainer of the Tourism Sector’’ Project No. 2017-1-PL01-KA202-038802 took place in the historic walls of the WSTiE university in Poland.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the scope of the project and to share key responsibilities. A plan of action of the Partners was developed with particular emphasis on the differences on the Polish, British and Hungarian markets.
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Second international meeting of Project Partners (Hungary...
Between the days of 29-30 June,2018 in Keszthely, in the region of Lake Balaton, Hungary, the second international project meeting was held. Representatives of the ESE and Partners from Hungary and United Kingdom participated in the meeting.(continue reading…) The international meeting included two parts. The first part of the meeting... more
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Projekt wspołfinansowany w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej Erasmus +. Materiały na platformie odzwierciedlają jedynie stanowisko jej autorów i Komisja Europejska oraz Narodowa Agencja Programu Erasmus+ nie ponoszą odpowieddzialności za jej zawartość merytoryczną.